Jury duty

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Jury duty

Post by CarolC »

I got a summons for jury duty in November. It used to be worse when I had a dog that required expressing, and I would have to come home on the lunch hour. I could just barely make it home from downtown, express, and get back to the courthouse during the time allotted for lunch IF I did everything right.

One time I got back late and the whole line of jury members was standing outside the courtroom waiting for me. I'll never forget it. :blush:
CarolC wrote: Wed Jun 23, 2004 7:00 pm Receive summons, show at courthouse 8 am, get called to panel of 40 at 10:15, assemble in courtroom for voir dire till 1:05. Judge says break for lunch till 2:15. Go up to bench and blurt out, "I'm interested in this case and I'd like to do this case, but I can't do it very well if we only have an hour and ten minutes for lunch--I have a paralyzed dog at home and I have to express her bladder." Kindest of all possible judges says lunch is usually longer, relax, go home and take care of it, we'll wait. Drive home, express dog, exercise hind legs 4 minutes, give dog snack, get in car and rush back downtown. Miss exit. Take another exit. Get lost downtown. Arrive at courtroom at 2:44. 39 other panelists are lined up in the hallway outside District Court waiting for Juror Number 32, who has kept them, the judge, assorted lawyers, the defendant and the entire family of the deceased waiting in an $8,250,000 wrongful death case for half an hour. I sent judge a thank you letter for his patience after I got voir dired off the panel. I suspect the defense and prosection both had Juror Number 32 at the top of their strike lists! :(
Didn't try that again.
CarolC wrote: Wed Sep 22, 2004 9:21 am The PT clinic is where I left my dog my second day of jury duty because I had too much trouble travelling home and back from the courthouse downtown to express her on the lunch hour.
This time the plan is to put Pip in his playpen where he'll be safest. Then I'll leave Dolly in her crate without a diaper. I plan to go down on the bus and won't be able to come home for lunch. I don't want to leave her in a wet diaper from 7am to maybe 6pm. That's a long time not to have her blankets changed, either, but that's the plan.

I wonder what people do who run a whole rescue instead of just 2 paralyzed pets? They can't afford to spend 8-5 sitting in the courthouse with so much work that needs to be done.

I have a friend in England who said they are excused from jury duty if they have a dog requring care and live too far from court to go home. I wish we had that here!
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Re: Jury duty

Post by critters »

Maybe they’ll vote you off in a hurry?
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Re: Jury duty

Post by CarolC »

I hope! The way it's gone in the past is, you sit around in an auditorium with 500 other people and from time to time they call out numbers for people to line up and be walked as a group to a courtroom. You can sit in the auditorium all morning and half the afternoon and never be called, so it eats up your time doing nothing. Or you might be called, go to a courtroom but not get chosen, and be told you could go home. Or they might send you back to the auditorium to join the pool again and wait some more. :waiting: I hope you're right! Pip and Dolly aren't going to have a great day. Millie (very senior non-disabled Yorkie mix) will have to hold it all day, too. :(
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Re: Jury duty

Post by critters »

😳 Make sure to take phone, Fire, and any other amusements you can!
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Re: Jury duty

Post by CarolC »

I don't own a cell phone (hard to believe, isn't it :roll: ) and my Fire doesn't connect to wifi anymore. I looked up the error online but didn't find an easy fix. Sorry, not trying to be difficult. I'd be delighted to take the Fire with me. I should drive over to McDonald's parking lot and see if I can get it to work again.

On the good side, I remembered I still have a baby gate I removed. I can reinstall it and let Millie have the run of the (tiled) kitchen with just a foot or 2 of living room carpet. Her crate is on the carpet with the door opening into the kitchen, and I'm hoping she'll go pee away from her crate.
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Re: Jury duty

Post by critters »

Rather hard to believe, for sure! 🤣

Did you do a hard reset? If that doesn’t work I just this week succeeded with the old fashioned dead battery reset when nothing else would work.
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Re: Jury duty

Post by CarolC »

OK, go ahead and laugh. :blush: I don't want to pay for 2 phones when I already have a landline I don't want to give up. :roll: :lol: The only reason I even have a Kindle is a very-very nice person sent it for Christmas a few years ago. It was helpful, especially when we had the 4-day power outage but they somehow had wifi working at McDonalds. We had no phone, Internet, or radio, but I was able to connect at McDonald's because of the Kindle.

So I woke up from my nap at 6pm and practically sat straight up and out of nowhere thought, "I'm going to go over to McDonald's parking lot right now and find out what that error message was before looking up how to do a hard reset." As I recall, the error was a circular situation where it couldn't connect to the Internet because the time setting was wrong, but you couldn't reset the time correctly without connecting to the Internet. Something like that. It did it last time I tried at McDonald's, and then I tried over at the library on a different wifi network and couldn't get it to work there, either.

Well, today I took it to McDonald's parking lot and...drum roll...when I turned it on the time was working and looked correct, and right away it found Lowe's customer wifi and gave me the sign in screen, and it WORKED! So it somehow fixed itself in the past months? Well, woohoo!

This is a big deal, because I use it mainly to check how a website looks on a mobile device, and without it or a cell phone, I had nothing. Now I do again! Happy day!
Thanks for your suggestion that set all this in motion. I had given up months ago. Now we're back in business. And yes, now I can take it to jury duty!
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Re: Jury duty

Post by critters »

A hard reset for Fire is push the power button & hold until “Power off Do you want to shut down your Fire? Cancel Ok”. Hit Ok. Wait a minute or so then push Power button & hold until Fire restarts. Restarts take awhile.
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Re: Jury duty

Post by CarolC »

:thankyou: That doesn't sound hard at all, but I didn't know about it. :D
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Re: Jury duty

Post by critters »

I have to do it fairly often with my red Fire because it likes to refuse to do text-to-speech. The complete restart takes a couple of minutes or so.
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