Rear Feline Hock Fusion
Rear Feline Hock Fusion
Happy New Year all,
Our cat Bug blew out her achilles tendon and now needs her rear hock fused. We tried to use a few different splints and bandages but she is refusing all attempts. Fusion has been suggested by 2 different vets. She is 13, a stray calico with allergy issues as calicos sometimes have and she is arthritic in her shoulder on the same side so amputation is not an option. She is happy and playful but the sore on her hock is always on the verge of infection which is our fear and her arthritic shoulder is getting worse since she is favoring the hock.
Do any of you have or know of someone that has a cat who has undergone this surgery? I'm wondering how they do once their hind leg is fused and stiff. Also, how is the recovery which is 8-12 weeks.
So thankful for the years we have had Bug in our lives. She has been such a comedian and joy!
Our cat Bug blew out her achilles tendon and now needs her rear hock fused. We tried to use a few different splints and bandages but she is refusing all attempts. Fusion has been suggested by 2 different vets. She is 13, a stray calico with allergy issues as calicos sometimes have and she is arthritic in her shoulder on the same side so amputation is not an option. She is happy and playful but the sore on her hock is always on the verge of infection which is our fear and her arthritic shoulder is getting worse since she is favoring the hock.
Do any of you have or know of someone that has a cat who has undergone this surgery? I'm wondering how they do once their hind leg is fused and stiff. Also, how is the recovery which is 8-12 weeks.
So thankful for the years we have had Bug in our lives. She has been such a comedian and joy!
Re: Rear Feline Hock Fusion

Particularly with critters and disabilities we sometimes have to write, or rewrite, the book.
Re: Rear Feline Hock Fusion
There was a cat here with the same problem on his hock. This is a link to the story in the Wayback Machine. The pictures you want are toward the end.


Re: Rear Feline Hock Fusion
As I recall Fripple was a spinal cord hock walker, like Koi, so he wore shoes to protect from skin breakdown.
Re: Rear Feline Hock Fusion
Thanks for your replies. What a terrific story and the last photo says it all. Thanks for sharing.
Unfortunately, Bug doesn't like to be messed with. Even the vet techs have trouble just getting a bandage on with help from other techs when Bug has a lot of meds on board. They did get a brace on her twice but it was such a fight it doesn't seem like an option and her hock got so raw even with padding. Now we are just trying to heal that wound or just keep it from getting infected.
We are seeing an orthopedic specialist today that my Vet suggested. We shall see.
Unfortunately, Bug doesn't like to be messed with. Even the vet techs have trouble just getting a bandage on with help from other techs when Bug has a lot of meds on board. They did get a brace on her twice but it was such a fight it doesn't seem like an option and her hock got so raw even with padding. Now we are just trying to heal that wound or just keep it from getting infected.
We are seeing an orthopedic specialist today that my Vet suggested. We shall see.
Re: Rear Feline Hock Fusion
Good memory! wrote: He suffered a broken back which didn't totally paralyze him but did quite a bit of damage he cannot bend his back feet and he has to walk flatfooted At first he was in a cage because he had a huge pressure sore on his foot because of the way he walks flat footed.
I can picture it from what you say! And even with sedation. I was hoping the shoe would be comfortable enough to be tolerated, but clearly it isn't going to work. I hope the orthopedic consultation went well.
Re: Rear Feline Hock Fusion
Cats can be just so
stubborn sometimes! I hope the new doc had some ideas.