Nutrition Forum?

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Nutrition Forum?

Post by Sasha's Mom »

One thing that is often overlooked is nutrition for our pets. While Sasha was progressively getting worse the last couple of months, I spent a great deal of time searching online for alternatives to the copy & paste advice I was getting concerning renal failure and associated maladies.

Because Sasha was disabled, I unfortunately missed some of the earlier telltale signs of CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) and only afterward started intensive research concerning CKD.

In the course of that research, one thing became very prominent and that was nutrition and what we feed our pets and how easily some of us can be duped into using products that are of little value to our pets.

Personally, just last night, I started a section on Sasha's website dedicated to Feline Nutrition:, but the article from Dr. Pierson is directed to all pets.

I've had a couple email exchanges with Dr. Pierson, mostly to congratulate her on her excellent papers. A great deal of eye-opening stuff there.

Perhaps a forum here on nutrition which in addition to food can include supplements, vitamins, holistic remedies... in short, anything that we put into our pets' stomachs, may provide a simple point of education many of us don't always pay significant attention to, because we have basically been brainwashed by all the commercial hype on pet foods.

Hoping you will take this into serious consideration and would be willing to donate my time in any way to help this become a part of

Best regards,
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Re: Nutrition Forum?

Post by Christine »

Hi Leah,

What a great idea! I saw your post to Chelsea with the link for the organic pumpkin and I wanted to save that link to share later.

Been thinking about you and hope you are well. So glad to you want to stick around and share your experience and knowlege.
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
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Re: Nutrition Forum?

Post by Sasha's Mom »

Hi Christine,

You and the other regulars gave me great support right from the beginning with Sasha and will always feel like this is "home" when it comes to pet forums. Nutrition in disabled pets may be even more important than with pets who are running at 100%. I would also imagine that some people have disabled, sick and healthy pets in the same household. Finding a balance in proper nutrition for all of them can be challenging and having a place to bounce ideas around may be helpful.

Thank you for asking. I'm doing much better. I adopted 2 little 3 m/o kittens from one of my vets on the 13th. Sasha "met" them back in mid-July during an office visit and it was love at first sight, but didn't want to upset Sasha with feisty female kittens jumping all over him. I saw and cuddled them a second time when I returned the fluids and Rx diets, but still felt it was too soon. When the Persian with CH and needing to be expressed fell through with the Brooklyn vet, I was asked if I wanted 2 Siamese kittens. My thoughts raced back to the 2 little black kittens at my vet's and when I called, they were still available, so I scooped them up and brought them home. I was starting to get very depressed, Christine and constantly crying. With 2 little kittens jumping all over me and purring wildly, it leaves no room for negative thoughts. They are certainly not a replacement for my brave and handsome Sasha, but new members of the family and because Sasha actually met them, I feel they are "Sasha approved."

I named one Phaedra III (1st was a spectacular Russian Blue and the 2nd was another black kitten my son brought home over 20 years ago) and the other Zaharina, which I found, after naming her, means "God remembered." And when I looked up "Phaedra" I found it to mean "light". That sealed it for me that I had done the right thing. :)

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Re: Nutrition Forum?

Post by Christine »

Their presence in your life were meant to be and I feel Sasha had everything to do with. They will bring you comfort and love and bring back the happy memories of your Sasha. As for the tears, you will shed many...some because you miss him, some when a sweet memory creeps in and always because you love him. Eventually, those tears will be replaced with smiles as you remember and tell others of the precious times you shared. I think it is wonderful that you journaled his life and created the awesome tribute to him. Many wish they could have done that for their own little ones who have crossed the Bridge.

These new little girls have no idea just how fortunate they are to have you for their new mom. We would love to see pictures once everyone is settled.
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
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Re: Nutrition Forum?

Post by Sasha's Mom »

Thank you for your sweet comments, Christine. It means a lot to me.
Photos? Me take photos? Trying to get them to stay still was the hard part! :wub:

Phaedra (the live wire)
Phaedra (the live wire)
Zaharina (the mellow one)
Zaharina (the mellow one)
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Re: Nutrition Forum?

Post by Christine »

Awww....just want to reach in and kiss those little paws! You can see the mischief in their eyes! i had two black cats in my lifetime - Pandora and Pumpkin. Thanks for the great pictures!
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
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Re: Nutrition Forum?

Post by critters »

Little ones are SO entertaining, aren't they? :twisted:
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Re: Nutrition Forum?

Post by Sasha's Mom »

Aww, I see that little :twisted: there!!
Mum is teaching them, "No", and they quickly learned that little bottle that mum silently raises, is a slightly more emphatic, "NO!"
They haven't reached the "pebbles in a tin can" stage yet. I hope we never get there - too noisy for my liking! :)
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